Marquita's Rehairing Service
Do you have a pony with hair like this...

...but you wish she looked more like this?

...or even something like this?

Just send her to me for full or partial rehairing, and I'll make her pretty again! I will also rehair customs.
Adult, adult Seapony-$7
Boys (BB, MB)-$8
Baby Pony, Winger-$5
Forelock only (any pony)-$3.00
Please add the following if I provide hair:
Mane or tail for BB/MB-$3.50 each
Mane or tail for adult-$3.00 each
Mane or tail for any baby-$2.00 each
Extra-long hair, such as for flutters and wingers will be more.
I will also rehair in exchange for ponies!
Rates include 1st class return shipping within the US, prices will be more for international or priority shipping. Prices may be lower for multiple ponies. I do have a limited supply of hair available, so if you need a certain color, just ask! You may send just the head if you choose.
Payment Methods accepted: (USD only please) Non-credit card paypal payments, money orders, and cash (and ponies!).
Payment may be sent with pony, or anytime before pony is returned to you.
To arrange for me to rehair for you, just email mlp_freak at yahoo dot com
For Sale